What is the connection of art to society?

Through expressive media such as paintings, sculptures, music, literature and other forms of art,. Art acts as a collective memory of society. Through expressive media such as paintings, sculptures, music, literature, and other art forms, artists preserve life as we know it even better than fact-based historical records. Art expresses what it felt like to exist at a given time.

Ancient artists displayed their daily lives in the form of cave paintings and petroglyphs at Bhimbhetka, Venus of Berekhat Ram and other places around the world. These expressive publications showed life hundreds of thousands of years ago in its most precise form. Art therapy activities can help children (and adults) to cope with their circumstances, both past and present. In a major study, children between 6 and 12 years old were asked to draw a house to distract themselves after thinking about something disturbing.

This group was able to improve their mood compared to children who were told to draw the negative event or to simply copy another drawing. How does this influence direct impacts? Surveys show that U.S. high school students who dedicate themselves to the arts at school are twice as likely to volunteer as those who don't, and they're also 20% more likely to vote when they become young adults. The arts provide a solid foundation for a comprehensive education, which interweaves the beauty of fine art with the practicality of real-world applications.

As art students delve deeper into diverse art forms, they gain insights into the functioning of the human brain and the power of creative expression. The integration of art into companies provides a platform for the arts to speak globally. Art critics and art journalism are essential components of cultural discourse, as they shape perception and promote a deeper understanding of artistic creations. Art and advertising share a symbiotic relationship, and the visual aesthetics and emotional messages transmitted through art often find their place in campaigns advertising.

The feminist art movement has played an important role in expanding the representation and recognition of women artists, reshaping the art world to be more inclusive and diverse. From art exhibits to community theater in the park, the arts provide an opportunity to meet with others from all walks of life. In addition, learning an art form makes it economically viable, since it helps us create, manage and distribute art, while employing many people in the process. Art often pushes boundaries, and controversial art seeks to provoke, challenge and question social norms.